Before the Christmas Merriment and Glee, a Summary of AusProof’s 2023!

Another year done and dusted in what really seems like the blink of an eye, doesn’t it? It’s been a big year, with events to attend and celebrations to be had, changes to adapt to and big plans being made!

When looking back on this year, we had a lot of opportunities to interact with members of the industry at various events and conferences, some of which we were proud sponsors, such as MESC QLD, MESC WA, and AIMEX, as well as the Nepean golf day, and MEMME’s Hunter Valley. We even had a couple of exciting international opportunities, with our sales reps attending Mongolia Mining 2023, and MINE Electric 2023 in Tucson, Arizona.

Speaking of our sales reps, earlier this year it was made official, with Willy Gomero joining the AusProof family as the sales representative for NSW, VIC and TAS. Gary Hansen, a well-known face to the WA mining industry, was also recognised this year for his 10 amazing years with AusProof.

It’s always a good feeling when the hard work and dedication of those who work behind-the-scenes is recognised, with AusProof proud to receive a nomination in the Gladstone Chamber of Commerce’s ‘Engineering & Manufacturing’ category for the Best in Business Awards this year. Well done guys! This year involved a lot of change, so feel proud of the way you all managed to continue providing the industry with high quality products while also adjusting to these changes.

What were these changes, and why were they made? The reduction of lead times was a major goal for 2023, undertaking a massive rebuild and restructure of our facilities to accomplish this to provide greater support and improve our services. R&D was another big focus, as we are always seeking opportunities to learn, grow, and innovate our products. Excitingly, we have become the only coupler manufacturer in Australia to invest in its own in-house high-voltage testing laboratory, learning not just how it works, but understanding why.

On the subject of R&D, this year was the 10th birthday of our 35kV aluminium high voltage coupler. A world-first upon release, and still in a league of its own, while celebrating the 10-year milestone of this exclusive coupler, we have to acknowledge once again the amazing work that went into it by our R&D team.

That about sums up 2023 and what it meant for us here at AusProof. Granted this is a very brief summary, a highlights reel more or less, but we don’t want to keep you here too long. It’s December, and Christmas is right around the corner! It’s an exciting and busy time of year.

Oh yeah, before we go, next year! On top of releasing some new product features and accessories, guess what? We’re turning 30! Yup, 2024 will be AusProof’s 30th anniversary. We have a lot of cool things planned, and knowing us, we’ll probably come up with a few more on the fly! Keep an eye on our socials, 2024 is going to be a fun, eventful year!

We’d like to take one last moment of your time and say to customers both new and existing, everything mentioned above would not be possible without your support. As is possible with any change, impacts and interruptions were felt. We thank you for your patience and understanding during this time. They say many hands make light work, and this year, to accomplish our goals and improve our products and services, it was definitely all hands on deck. From everyone here at AusProof, we want to say a deep and sincere thank you, and look forward to seeing you all in 2024!


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